
Blackdyrge's Templates: Primordial Beast

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    Publisher Blackdirge Publishing
    Stock Number BDPBT06
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The world of man continues to expand its borders, bringing the engine of industry and civilization to new parts of the world on a daily basis. But man's reach does not extend as far as he would like to believe, and the world still harbors its secrets in wild and forlorn places that man has yet to travel. Deep jungles, remote mountains, and gloom-haunted forests, all hold the advance of man at bay with impassable natural obstacles, and often as not, fearsome beasts the likes of which have never been encountered . . .


Blackdyrge returns with a new template guaranteed to spice up the mundane critters in your campaign world. The primordial beast template transforms ordinary animals into fearsome killing-machines, yet preserves the outward appearance and primitive nature of the base creature. Primordial beasts gain size, strength, and a host of potent offensive abilities specific to the kind of animal being modified. Who needs a dragon when you can throw a 50-foot primordial T-rex at a party?

So, stock the deep, dark places in your campaign world with the beasts that time forgot, and teach your PCs to fear the wildlife again.

Blackdyrge's Templates - Primordial Beast contains 8 pages of new d20 material and includes the following:

  • An introduction by Blackdyrge
  • The primordial beast template
  • Iconic monster #1 - primordial leopard
  • Iconic monster #2 - Old Death Jaws, a massive primordial tyrannosaurus rex
  • Marvelous illustrations by Hunter McFalls

Written by Aeryn Rudel