
Colonial Gothic: The Landlord's Daughter

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    Publisher Rogue Games
    Stock Number RGG1781
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Lawlessness reigns and nowhere is this more apparent than in the small settlement of Lynn. Located north of Boston, local bandits have taken advantage of the current conflict with England, and now terrorize the village.

All have been touched by this lawlessness, especially Jacob Newhall, proprietor of the Lynn Tavern. His daughter, Tabitha, has fallen victim to these rogues. Found wandering the streets of Lynn, covered in filth, with her clothes tattered, the poor girl seems to have suffered greatly.

Can you get to the bottom of Tabitha's disappearance, and learn what malady besets the young lady? Be careful with your search because you do not know what dangers lurk within the shadows.

Written by William Butler (Servants of Gaius) and Brendan Davis (Servants of Gaius), The Landlord's Daughter is a tale of mystery, secret societies, pirates, betrayal, and witchcraft set in the towns of Marblehead and Lynn in Essex County, Massachusetts.

Written by William Butler / Brendan Davis