
Do-Gooders & Daredevils: International CrimePrev Technologies for ICONS

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  • File Size 3.26 MB ZIP
    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS6003
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International CrimePrev Technologies Brings Restraint to your ICONS Game

This release for the Do-Gooders & Daredevils for ICONS series presents International CrimePrev Technologies, a private company that produces devices intended to be used by law enforcement agencies and armed forces the world over for countering and subduing metahumans.

International CrimePrev Technologies for ICONS contains:

Within this brief PDF you will find examples of CrimePrev's wide product line of restraint equipment, ranging from super-tough handcuffs to sedating devices to prevent detainees from accessing super-powers or cybernetic devices. Also includes are some sample weapons intended to contain or drop metahumans. Rounding out this product are two briefs on CrimePrev subsidiaries, including one that is hoping to operate private metahuman prisons on behalf of the Department of Corrections, and another that sells insurance against metahuman-caused destruction.

ICONS and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Steve Kenson and Ad Infinitum Adventures, and are used under license.

Written by Steven Trustrum