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    Publisher Khepera Publishing
    Stock Number KHP003
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GODSEND Agenda is a story of . . .

. . . powerful aliens who positioned themselves as gods on Earth thousands of years ago.
. . . a race of Atlantean oracles who foresaw a desolate future dominated by an incomprehensible alien race.
. . . genetically augmented transhumans, doomed to die fighting to save a world that turns its back on them.
. . . a star-spanning alien blight that slowly and insidiously conquers planet after planet.
. . . and the slim yet powerful hope of man's eventual triumph over them all.

The GODSEND Agenda is not your typical game of costumes and superpowers. It looks at superhumans and how they affect the world around them. It also deals with how our culture worships them, now and in times past. GODSEND Agenda offers players a chance to not only interact with those legendary celestial beings, but to walk among them as equals.

  • Over 165 pages of extensive history and character background set in the world of the GODSEND Agenda.
  • Four new alien races: The Angelos, Atlanteans, Chimerans, and Elohim.
  • An all-encompassing list of superhuman abilities and powers to make your character truly extraordinary.
  • Clear and concise rules for creating gadgets and artifacts of legendary power.
  • A style sheet for life in the year 2010 completely compatible with all D6 titles printed to date, making the game world infinitely expandable.

Written by Matt Carter / Michael Fiegel / Darren Miguez / Brian Vinson / Paul Tomes / Jerry D. Grayson