
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo W23!

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Puddings and Oozes and Slimes, Oh My!

When you think of Dungeon Fantasy, three sorts of monsters come readily to mind: serious bosses, like liches and dragons; in-between threats, like trolls and dire animals; and hordes of lesser foes, like orcs and zombies. But another very old, very basic category of enemy lurks in every dungeon, and that's goo -- squidgy, nasty, quivering blobs of stuff.

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo explores the moist, disgusting world of monsters that don't so much eat you as dissolve you. Seven classic archetypes appear, each with many unpleasant varieties:

  • Fungi. Toadstools are only dangerous if you eat them, right? Ask again when you're glued to an explosive puffball, choking on deadly spores.
  • Jellies. These near-invisible stalkers can immobilize you in an instant. Then they digest you -- and possibly gain your abilities!
  • Molds. A rainbow of colors and textures abound, all of them bent on extending their noxious domain to every surface in sight, including your flesh.
  • Oozes. Not all goo waits or sneaks. These guys are very active predators indeed! Hitting causes them to divide, but what happens when they combine may be worse.
  • Puddings. Not all goo relies on spores and toxins, either. The steroidal freaks of the class, puddings would just as soon beat you up and eat you.
  • Slimes. Nothing says "dungeon" like good ol' flesh-eating or toxic slime painfully liquefying you to create more slime. Available in several flavors!
  • Spore Clouds. One minute the air is clear; the next, they swoop in from nowhere and inoculate your skin, your eyes, your lungs . . .

The sheer randomness and variety is sure to frustrate even players who've read this supplement, while the GM gets handy advice on creative uses and abuses to ensure that's the case.


Written by Sean Punch