
Kobold Quarterly Magazine #18

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    Publisher Open Design
    Stock Number KQ18
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Kobold Quarterly issue #18 is our big pre-Gen Con summer issue, fully 100 pages! It's like a kobold beach party ice chest, but instead of being packed with gnome jerky, KQ #18 has savants, cavaliers, beast masters and dragon hunters for Pathfinder RPG; Divine Gifts for AGE System by Green Ronin's Steve Kenson; minotaur ecology for 4th Edition D&D; and new adventures for all three systems!

Characters powered with divine magic are common in fantasy RPGs. Rather than treat them as a divine magic-using class, Green Ronin designer Steve Kenson introduces the Divine Gift talent for AGE System.

With 3 adventures this issue, "The Exorcist" for Pathfinder RPG brings us a desperate plan to raise legendary heroes from the dead doesn't go quite right. "Silus and the Red Dogs" is a modern update of the choose-your-own adventure books, with a fun solo adventure for a halfling thief. Finally, "Who Watches the Watch Fires?" is a 4th Edition D&D race against time to alert a sleeping city!

What else? So much more!

  • New and variant characters: savants, cavaliers, dragon hunters and beast masters for Pathfinder RPG
  • Ecology of the Minotaur for 4th Edition D&D
  • Siege weaponry for 4th Edition D&D
  • Synergistic magic for Pathfinder RPG
  • 10 reasons why your characters should be in jail
  • Heroic flaws
  • Feats and auras for dragon lairs, for Pathfinder RPG and 4th Edition D&D
  • Creating great mysteries in RPGs
  • Soul brokers for 4th Edition D&D
  • Monte Cook on explaining the inexplicable, and Skip Williams' regular Ask the Kobold column

Pick up Kobold Quarterly #18 today!

Written by Steve Kenson / Monte Cook / Wolfgang Baur / Tim Connors / Matt James