
Lock-N-Load: Armor, Equipment, & Cybernetics

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  • File Size 5.29 MB ZIP
    Publisher SSDC, Inc.
    Stock Number SSDC201E
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Prepared? Think Again.

You think you have it all. Nothing can hurt you. Then how come you keep getting waxed on every mission? It's just life as a Battlelord.

Armor, Equipment, and Cybernetics; lots of it. That's what you'll find in book one of Lock-N-Load. This large compendium of equipment for Battlelords provides the player and BM with a myriad of ways to protect and enhance their players or NPCs. A huge amount of armor options and styles will lead to almost limitless combinations so each player can protect and equip his character exactly as he wants. With it, the players have the necessities to give their characters a fighting change to survive the challenges of the unknown in the 23rd century. The largest equipment manual in sci-fi roleplaying just got better.

Here is just a sample of what is in Lock-N-Load: Armor, Equipment, & Cybernetics:

  • Bargain Basement Armor
  • Nanoids
  • F.I.S.T. Systems
  • Regeneration Armor
  • Reactive Armor
  • Destroig Combat Systems
  • Over 400 pieces of Equipment
  • Over 150 types of Armor

Written by Lawrence R. Sims