
Matrix Cards

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  • File Size 89.7 MB ZIP
    Publisher SSDC, Inc.
    Stock Number SSDC4601E
  • This is a digital file.

Something especially for Matrix Controllers! Anyone that's played a Matrix Controller knows the frustration of having to look in the book every time you need to recall a stat about a matrix you just generated. Well, we've solved that problem with these Matrix Cards. Each matrix power in Battlelords has it's very own 6" x 4" page with all of its stats and descriptions. The power point number is large so they can be easily organized by strength, and each matrix group has its own unique color. This downloadable product provides a separate PDF file of each matrix type including every matrix of that type. The pages are sized at 6" x 4" so they can be output to standard photo paper in your inkjet printer, or you can use the included JPEG files of each matrix and bring them to a Kodak Picture Maker kiosk in a store near you and get 6" x 4" prints. Since the card are a standard photo print size you can use any myriad of photo sleeves or albums to hold your matrix cards together. That's over 700 matrices from the main rulebook, Galactic Undergrounds 1, 2, and 3, and Beyond the Rift!

The matrices are organized by power point and then alphabetically.

Note: This product does not contain rules, advancement tables, matrix listings, or any other notes or references from the printed books.