
Monster Bash Set 3, Mini-Game #43

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    Publisher Avalon Games
    Stock Number BBP1544
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The insane clown laughed as the nightmarish horror griped him and throw him giggling against the wall. The clown simply stood up and pulled out his meat cleaver, "Time for some jolly fun little beastie."

This is Monster Bash, a game from Avalon Games. Take on the role of a savage monster from classic horror tales, build gangs of these monsters, and battle your foes as each tries to take control of the city's dark, horror filled underworld. Gangs of monster confront each other in deadly brawls as each tries to devour the fear-filled humans that flee through the night.

Monster Bash is a fully expandable system, with each set offering two new types of monstrous gang, new Battle Tiles to fight upon, and new, exciting special abilities and rules. So gather a few friends, sit down, and have a ghoulish night filled with monstrous fun.

This third set covers the monstrous gangs of the psychos and the madness inspiring cosmics. Everything you need to play is included and when combined with other sets, you can create a horror filled game of nightmarish fun.

Written by Robert Hemminger