
Realms: Dwarfs & Warlocks, Mini-Game #9

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    Publisher Avalon Games
    Stock Number BBP1508
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Jauram gripped his battle axe a bit tighter as the warlocks undead shambled their way up the hill. All day he and his battle brothers had been crushing the dark mage's dead servants, and still they came on, endless numbers of the walking dead. If only he and the others could hold out one more day, reinforcements were bound to arrive soon. If he and the other dwarves could just hold.

Realms is the newest Mini-Game from Bad Baby Productions. Take the side of the stubborn dwarven nations or the foul undead hordes of the Warlock lord, as the two battle for control of the world. A fast-paced fantasy game of warfare, spells, magical items, and mighty beasts, all will be under your control as you battle your foe. Can you out last, out fight, and out maneuver your enemy, or will you fall to their sharp edged sword?

Combine this with other Realms games to create even more massive fun.

Note that this is not a complete game and requires that you have a copy of Mini-Game #5, Realms, Elves Vs. Orcs.

This is the third edition of this great game with a new cover, full color layout and a print friendly version for easy play.

Written by Robert Hemminger