
Sounds from the Edge Vol. 3: Weird

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  • Contents
    ZIP file containing 6 MP3s.

    File Size 56.8 MB ZIP
    Publisher Atlas Games
    Stock Number AG2015
  • This is a digital file.

Soundtrack for the Edge

Bring weird, urban, dangerous soundscapes to your gaming table with the assistance of James Semple's music inspired by Over the Edge. Splitting the music into three suites allowed Semple to tie the music into the triumvirate that rules the Island:

  • His Unassailability Jean-Christophe D'Aubainne, the reclusive figurehead of the State who has inherited power from Our Martyred Leader (and also cracked the fractional dimensional code, allowing him to slip the bonds of four-dimensional space-time, at least fractionally).
  • Sir Constance, the Mistress of All That Changes Hands and owner of Swaps, XXX. Her authority and influence on the Island only extends so far as there is truck, barter, trade, loans, rents, royalties, fees, sales, and investments. In other words, she's everywhere.
  • Sister Cheryl, whose center of power is the Temple of the Divine Experience, where she rules over her devoted followers through sheer charisma. Spirituality takes all forms in Al Amarja, and she takes her cut from each.

The three suites are sold separately. Each contains six tracks, each about two-and-a-half minutes in length. In total across all three suites, they comprise about 45 minutes of music for your games, planning sessions, and eschatonic revelations.

Sounds from the Edge: Track Listing

The three suites are sold separately. Each contains six tracks, each about two-and-a-half minutes in length. In total across all three suites, they comprise about 45 minutes of music for your games, planning sessions, and eschatonic revelations.

Sounds from the Edge: Track Listing

Volume 3: Weird

  • We Believe
  • Creepy
  • Evocation
  • Etherealism
  • Darkness Falleth
  • Evolution

Check out the other two suites in the collection, Volume 1: Urban and Volume 2: Danger.