
Advanced Adventures #19: The Secret of the Callair Hills

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    Publisher Expeditious Retreat Press
    Stock Number XRP6119
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The Callair Hills are a true frontier region. Bounded to the east by impassable mountains, to the southeast by dark forests, and to the north by goblin lands, these windy hills are largely cut off from more civilized realms. If it were not for the rich veins of silver that lie close to the surface here and the passable soils, this region would have been entirely ignored throughout history.

And now something is rotten in the Callair Hills. Over 10 farms have recently been raided and the farmers slain in their homes. Their animals are left alive and either escape when food and water run low or suffer a piteous death in cages or pens sealed-fast. Most unusually, all the farms' worldly possessions are left undisturbed. There is something rotten in the Callair Hills, and it seems bent upon murder most foul...

If you enjoy this adventure, look for future releases in the Advanced Adventures line from Expeditious Retreat Press.

Written by Geoff Gander