
Blackdyrge's Bestiary: Perils of the Burning Waste

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    Publisher Blackdirge Publishing
    Stock Number BDPBB03
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The Heshek desert appears to be nothing more than a vast barren waste, seemingly devoid of life and therefore an unlikely region to find strange and fabulous beasts. For the uninitiated this remains true, but in reality the desert abounds with unique and fantastic creatures. If one has the diligence of a true explorer (and, of course, the willingness to risk life and limb,) then the desert is a veritable cornucopia of monstrous delights . . .


The enigmatic sage of monsters returns in Blackdyrge's Bestiary: Perils of the Burning Waste. Here the intrepid chronicler of monstrous lore explores the trackless expanse of the Heshek desert, cataloguing five fearsome creatures for inclusion in his infamous bestiary. Each monster is fully detailed, featuring a complete history, notes on appearance and tactics, and a full description of the beast's lair and treasure.

Blackdyrge's Bestiary: Perils of the Burning Waste contains 31 pages of d20 material, which includes:

  • A horrid relative of the intellect devourer with a penchant for decapitation
  • A four-armed gargoyle with a lethal gaze
  • A pestilent dark naga ruling an empire of filth
  • A demon-possessed war machine bent on its own destruction
  • And Shu'Shuvva, the dark queen of the Heshek, a lamia lich of terrible power

New OGL material includes:

  • The dreaded half-basilisk template
  • The plague-infected blight knight prestige class
  • The construct-bashing Golemwrecker, a powerful intelligent weapon
  • The level-draining death's kiss weapon special ability
  • And four new, and horrible diseases

Written by Aeryn Rudel