
Feng Shui 2: Secrets of the Chi War

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    Publisher Atlas Games
    Stock Number AG4022PDF
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Factions of chi warriors battle through the Netherworld and across four junctures in time and space for dominance of feng shui sites.

Terrible villains, ruthless dictators, conspiring agents, and abominations of unspeakable origin gather to fight for victory in this endless war.

Revealed here for the first time are new secrets of this tireless conflict, from battle zones in each juncture to pop-up junctures open only for a short time — long enough to serve as the front lines of the Chi War. Expanding on material contained within the Feng Shui 2 core rulebook, Secrets of the Chi War unleashes even more potent lore for use in your games, including a full-length adventure set in Japan!

  • Visit the Ancient, Past, Modern, and Future Junctures, and learn the secrets of the Netherworld
  • Blow up Chang'an, Canton, Seoul, Tokyo, Ape City, the Gene Zone, or the Pagodas
  • Hurtle through the temporary Netherworld portals to the time of the warring states, the swinging 1960s, the funky 70s, the pastel-tinted 80s, or even the far distant past, where dinosaurs roam
  • Fight through the streets of Tokyo in the adventure The Lotus and the Poppy

Join contributors from across the game publishing industry and around the world in ushering in a new era... or relive eras now lost to history and the machinations of Chi Warriors past and present!

Join us in the Secrets of the Chi War!