
Feng Shui: Glimpse of the Abyss

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    Publisher Atlas Games
    Stock Number AG4014PDF
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Enemies and Allies From the Underworld and Beyond

Deadly creatures are coming from the ancient past and distant future to kill us where we live. Unless they're stopped, the world as we know it is doomed.

That somebody is you.

In this Feng Shui sourcebook you'll find dozens of demonic, mysterious, and downright bizarre monsters for your Feng Shui adventures.

Battle kung-fu demons from the hot fires of hell.
Step up against cyborg gangbangers from the future-gone-wrong.
Wage war on gigantic serpents with more ordnance than a tank.

Almost every creature has named and unnamed variations, ready for any fight you can imagine. Most have new schticks you can use to build new creatures or power up your heroes whether you're a player or GM. And did we mention the Underworld 411, a ready-to-play adventure, three new character types, and thirty-six thousand gods?

Here, finally, is the definitive Feng Shui monster guide, with a whole heap of other trouble thrown in for good measure.

It's time to get a Glimpse of the Abyss!

Somebody's gonna have to take 'em down.

Written by John Seavey / Will Hindmarch / Chris Dolunt / Jeff Tidball / Darrin Bright