
GURPS Classic: Horseclans

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The Horseclans Are Coming!

They ride the plains of a post-holocaust America, mind-reading prariecats by their sides. They're deadly warriors . . . for honor, for loot, or just for the joy of a good fight. They would follow their leader, the undying Milo Morai, straight to Hell. And they'd come back with trophies.

Now, Robert Adams' bestselling Horseclans series comes alive in this supplement to GURPS. In the 96 pages of GURPS Horseclans, you'll find:

  • A complete bibliography and reference to the first 17 published Horseclans novels: names, races and nationalities, places, and more.
  • Biographies and game statistics for Milo Morai, Bili the Axe, Mara, Aldora, Dr. Bookerman, and other important characters.
  • Maps and historical information for campaigns in several different time periods – from just after the Great Dying, through the days of the Horseclans riding the plains and on the march east, to the "present-day" Eastern Confederation.
  • New rules for two kinds of immortals: The Undying, and the body-stealing Witchmen.
  • The telepathic prariecats: complete rules for cat characters, combat, and "mindspeak" abilities.
  • A quick system for resolving large battles and their effects on participating player characters – both in terms of survival and of honor won!

Now you, too, can ride to glory, and help Milo Morai rebuild civilization . . . with the Horseclans.

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for GURPS prior to Third Edition.)