
HELLAS: Planetary Survey Korinthos

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  • File Size 5.57 MB PDF
    Publisher Khepera Publishing
    Stock Number KHP00H8
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Korinthos is the crossroads of the galaxy, the most important trading center of the Hellenes, and a haven for those seeking to make a profit. It is a planet of banking, merchants, and vice. Covered by a megatropolis known to locals as "The City," there is a planet hidden beneath the towering spires, spreading plazas, and elevated ports. Korinthos has largely been protected as a neutral planet as a great deal of the galaxy's finance is handled here. Alongside the legitimate business, large crime syndicates flourish here. Police and the government regulate traffic entering and leaving, but have little influence down on the streets and so many institutions run their own private security forces.

Included in this PDF is:

  • A look at the Korinthos system and planetary population
  • A system wide service and commodities rating
  • Locations of interest on the planet Korinthos
  • Planetary statistics
  • Planetary Metousia rating

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