
Metahuman Mystics & Supernatural Supers 3

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS5011
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The third in the series, Metahuman Mystics & Supernatural Supers 3 brings you new ways to look at magic and the paranormal in your 2e Superlink game.

Within you will find four new PL-10 character archetypes focused on the various facets of mysticism and/or the supernatural. But these aren't the simple archetypes you've come to expect because each provides information on the concept behind the archetype, hints on defining such characters' origins, tips on building powers and how to improve the character with experience while staying true to the concept, as well as several variations on the basic archetype to allow tinkering. Also included are some new game mechanics for all-purpose use and a character of higher PL to illustrate what how the archetype can improve with experience.

The included archetypes are:

  • The Created is a being fabricated by scientific or magical means. Includes seven variations (alien probe, brute, divine creation, golden boy, moreau, and super freak) and the character Patchwork, an enigmatic creature made from body parts that may be familiar to other heroes.
  • The Earthbound Deity, a god who walks the world of mortal man while lacking most of their true power. Includes six variations (demigod, exile, forgotten deity, star god I and II, and the unclaimed) and the character Montu.
  • The Freak Maker, someone whose scientific skill and unconventional ethics has allowed them to artificially create life. Includes five variations (horde master, machine maker, mortal who would be god, mystic maker, and puppet master) and the character Dr. Freak, along with stats for his creations.
  • The Lycanthrope, a regular person cursed to become a monster under the full moon. Includes four variations (alternate beast, curse of a different flavor, natural lycanthrope, and totem), and the character Moonclaw.

Also included are two new powers, Immortality and Super-Sense; Psychometry; three extras, Concussive and updates to Impervious and Penetrating; the Anti-Social complication; and Lose Control and Reduced Range drawbacks for customizing your basic archetype.

This color product includes a landscape version for on-screen viewing and a portrait, more print-friendly version.

Written by Steven Trustrum