
Pozas Art Pack: Fantasy vol. 7 - Entrances

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    Publisher Expeditious Retreat Press
    Stock Number XRPPOZB
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Perhaps best known for his work on Fiery Dragon Productions' Counter Collections, Claudio Pozas has created a wealth of visual treasures for tabletop gaming. And now Pozas Art Packs make quality art a click away!

Fantasy vol. 7 - Entrances contains 5 images (.jpeg, 600dpi) of proverbial doorways excerpted above, from grand double doors to holes in the wall.

Vol. 7 - Entrances

  • A stairway that descends into the ground, flanked by statues of armed prophets.
  • Arched doorway of a church, with the words "Peace To All Who Enter Here" above the door.
  • Entrance to a building, with an enormous dragon skull hanging above it.
  • A cavern illuminated by a shaft of light, with dozens of holes lined in the walls.
  • A cellar, filled with rubble and refuse, from where a hole leads into darkness.

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Some artwork copyright Expeditious Retreat Press, used with permission.

Written by Claudio Pozas