
Rogue Mage Creatures of Darkness Vol 3: Major Powers

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  • File Size 6.1 MB PDF
    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MISRM05
  • This is a digital file.

Major powers of the Darkness are direct personal servants of the dragons. Some are major seraphs who fell (e.g., Reshep), while others are fallen minor seraphs (e.g., Forcas) who've grown in power over millennia. Major powers act as the de facto rulers of the Darkness, communicating the will of their bound masters to lesser servants. Some work feverishly to free their masters. Others enjoy their increased power and only serve their masters with lip service and delay.

Rogue Mage: Creatures of Darkness Vol 3: Major Powers is the third in a series of monster PDFs to be offered for the Rogue Mage game.

Written by Raven Blackwell