
Star Fleet Battles: Kzinti Master Starship Book

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    Publisher Amarillo Design Bureau
    Stock Number ADB5435
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"Cadets, how do we know the Kzintis considered building a battleship? Anyone other than Cadet Granger? Yes, Cadet Granger?"

"They attempted and failed to build the large warp engines it would require. Simulations showed that the proximity of the engines would require extra shielding and the engines would be more vulnerable to damage."

"You are correct, Cadet Granger. The rest of you, go study your Kzinti Master Starship Book. Quiz tomorrow. Dismissed!"

The seventh volume in the long-anticipated Master Starship Book series is now available. It includes every Kzinti ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships, Y-ships, and general units that are specific to the Kzinti Hegemony.

Every ship is illustrated. All updates, corrections, and errata have been added. The ships are in order (regardless of the product they came from) with the enhanced format listing detailed information in a consistent manner.

This book contains the descriptions of the ships, but no SSDs.