
Strange Brew: Mystical Paths and Prestige Classes

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS0048
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Witches and warlocks come in all shapes, sizes, genders, philosophies, alignments, and focuses. Many of these concepts are expressed through archetypes, but some concepts require a bit ... more ... to fully be expressed.

Here are 23 Prestige Classes for your witch or warlock, allowing them to focus on specific aspects of being a witch or warlock, or a specific type of witch or warlock with more control than an archetype gives you. With them, your witch isn't "just" a witch, she's a Tempestarii Storm Raiser, or he isn't "merely" a witch, but an Occult Scholar.

Help find the true destiny of your witch or warlock!

Written by Timothy S. Brannan / Rich Howard / Robert H. Hudson Jr.