
The Circle and METE (2nd Edition)

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    Publisher Hero Games
    Stock Number HERO12
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Deep in the heart of the city is a secret garden where The Master dwells. His origin is a mystery, but his purpose seems clear: to teach the secrets of sorcery. Mystics and mediums, sorcerers and psychics trade knowledge in the safety of the garden. Come and practice the arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries and walk the paths of power. Join The Circle for adventure in the realm of the fantastic!

When you're an illegal alien, a stranger in a strange land without a friend, there's someone you can turn to: The Metropolitan Extra-Terrestrial Enclave. M.E.T.E. is dedicated to the aid and comfort of our alien visitors. M.E.T.E. provides a competent, understanding staff and superb facilities, whether an alien guest wants a place to stay or someone to help them "phone home". M.E.T.E. It's there when you need it.

Written by Aaron Allston