
The Noble Wild Holiday Bonus Pack

( 1 )
  • File Size 472 KB PDF
    Publisher Skirmisher Publishing, LLC
    Stock Number SKPE0934
  • This is a digital file.

This free download contains several holiday-oriented items suitable for use in any OGL game supported by The Noble Wild, Skirmisher Publishing LLC's ENnie-nominated "Animal Player's Handbook." Its contents include a new Species, the Noble Reindeer; a new Feat, Nose So Bright; a new Deed Tree, Polar Courser; and a new animal, the Reindeer.

Other free items available for The Noble Wild on this site include a set of OGL and OGL Modern character sheets, the bonus deed Claws of the Sirocco, and a set of Noble Animal Spell Lists.

Written by Lee Garvin / Michael J. Varhola