
World Building Library: Stories of Tibet

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    Publisher Expeditious Retreat Press
    Stock Number XRPWBL12
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Welcome to World Building Library: Stories of Tibet. This PDF is a collection of Tibetan folklore. Folklore is a socially created story with no single author, embodying the social structure, mores, and practices of a culture. They are orally transmitted, passed from generation to generation, and used to teach and reinforce the values and practices of a given culture.

In Tibetan folklore, there are reflections of many influences. There are the virtues upheld in Buddhism: kindness, faithfulness, appreciation, contentment, humbleness, and a giving heart. There are the virtues inherited through interaction with their neighbors and the harsh environment of Tibet: ingenuity, resourcefulness, and cleverness. And finally, there is a fatalism underlying it all, yet Tibetan folklore seems to say, "Be a happy, hopeful fatalist."

We hope you enjoy these stories and find use for them in the complex environment that is your game table.

Written by Suzi Yee