
Captain's Log #41 Color SSDs

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  • File Size 37.2 MB PDF
    Publisher Amarillo Design Bureau
    Stock Number ADB5741-3C
  • This is a digital file.

The SSDs from Captain's Log #41 are now available in color. Check out these ships:

New ships for Star Fleet Battles: Juggernaut battleship, missile dreadnought, and frigate; Frax, Qari, Triaxian, and Sharkhunter fighter squadrons; Gorn and Romulan light battleships; Lyran Democratic Republic Dragoon and Ranger heavy cruisers, destroyer, and light cruiser.

New ships for Federation Commander: Frax sub destroyer, sub war cruiser, torpedo frigate, and torpedo destroyer.

New ships for Starmada Admiral edition: Federation heavy war destroyer and Klingon F5W destroyer.