
Colonial Gothic: The Ross-Allen Letters

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    Publisher Rogue Games
    Stock Number RGG1741
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Something is afoot.

Lurking between these two covers is a collection of correspondences of a most disturbing nature. What is this mystery, and what ramifications does the discovery of it hold?

The Ross-Allen Letters is a new style of supplement for Colonial Gothic. You can take these letters as a work of fiction, use them as hooks to an adventure, or use them as examples of a collaborative storytelling session. Are you ready to discover a mystery lurking in the shadows?

Written by Jennifer Brozek & Dylan Birtolo, and with an introduction by Graeme Davis, The Ross-Allen Letters is a mystery set in the world of Colonial Gothic, and deals with something that lurks in the shadows. Use the letters as a prop, as a springboard for adventures, or simply enjoy them as a great tale.

Written by Jennifer Brozek / Dylan Birtolo