
Dungeon Crawl Classics #54: Forges of the Mountain King

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    Publisher Goodman Games
    Stock Number GMG5053
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An Adventure for Character Level 1

High in the Ul Dominor mountains, at the base of smoldering caldera, a lonely trail wends its way to a ruined dwarven citadel. Coveted by many, its location has been lost since time immemorial. Now you and your companions are prepared to explore the forgotten mountain fastness and its fabled dwarven horde. Within the moldering halls lurk ancient death traps, armies of cruel goblins, gnolls and worse, and a cursed treasure doomed to bring ruin upon any that dare to explore it.

An introductory adventure designed specifically for first level characters, Forges of the Mountain King will challenge new and old players alike. It includes four pages of full-color cardboard cut-outs produced by Fat Dragon Games to facilitate 3D play! This stand-alone, world-neutral adventure can also be used to launch a campaign in the epic fantasy world of Áereth.

Written by Harley Stroh