
Misfits & Menaces: Cosmic Threats

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS5021
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Misfits & Menaces is a sourcebook series for the M&M Superlink rules. Each offering focuses on a number of villains and/or one or more villainous organization that may be inserted into most super-heroic campaigns with little effort. Cosmic Threats presents villains from outer space designed to put entire planets and species at risk.

Inside this issue you'll find details for the following, along with new rules (including expanded size charts for cosmic-level threats):

Exile, a lonely survivor of planetary abuse at the hands of a rogue Celestial Legionnaire, now devoted wholly to seeking revenge for his people.

Keepers are robots that travel the universe in massive spacecraft, kidnapping creatures of all sorts to safeguard them against the future, whether they want to be saved or not.

Marauder, a Celestial Legionnaire corrupted and driven mad by his power, he now seeks to conquer the universe one piece at a time.

Nebulon is a living nebula with a beast's intelligence and a hunger that has laid waste to entire sectors of space.

Nexus may have been born on Earth, but this thief is capable of teleporting from one side of the galaxy to the next, and he'll earn a profit doing so from just about anyone willing to pay him enough.

Omfinis the Feeder, a planet-sized beast that travels through space, eating other planets and civilizations that get in its way.

Pioneer is an ageless servant of a mysterious race that has commanded this being to convert entire worlds to their environmental parameters, whether the current residents like it or not.

The Scourge is a race of rapidly reproducing, near-mindless beasts that feed upon everything, including entire planets.

Stareaters, a race of intelligent plants that are questing through the universe for their lost homeworld, draining stars of their energy in order to fuel their planet-sized ship as they look.

Thronn the Dark Wielder has been changed by his ancient, foul masters into their malevolent harbinger, and so he crosses the void of space, spreading their word and killing any heretics who dare speak against their desires or designs.

This hyperlinked and bookmarked PDF includes a print-friendly version and makes use of game mechanics appearing in Better Mousetrap and Misfits & Menaces: DOOM, also available from Misfit Studios.

Written by Steven Trustrum