Warehouse 23 Blog

Sorcerous Supervillains

Posted: October 14, 2004

Take your Champions game to strange and powerful places with three new books. Galactic Champions sets you up for ultra-high-powered conflict, The Mystic World gives you a place to play, and Arcane Adversaries tells you who you'll be meeting while you're there.

Serious Chess

Posted: October 13, 2004

For the dedicated chess aficionado, Warehouse 23 offers three different complete hand-made chess sets based on historical pieces: the Isle of Lewis, Medieval German, and Victorian Pattern chess sets. These are all large resin-cast pieces done in careful detail.

Who Let The Zombie Dogs Out?

Posted: October 12, 2004

It's been a long hard night, but the saga of Zombies!!! is finally coming to The End. All that stands between you and the conclusion of your terror and hard work is an empty forest. Well, mostly empty. Did we mention the barking?

Fly, My Pretties! Fly!

Posted: October 11, 2004

For those who wish to avoid political debate, biased arguments, and one-sided rants deriding the opposition . . . Attack of the Political Cartoonists probably isn't for you. But if you'd like to see a wide array of political cartoons leaping upon various topics with the intensity of rabid winged monkeys, this book is for you!

Zombies And Conspiracies And Spaceships, Oh My

Posted: October 10, 2004

Eden Studios Presents: Volume 1 is Eden Studio's new in-house magazine, packed with Unisystem goodness from All Flesh Must Be Eaten to Conspiracy X. The first issue includes a stellar little mini-setting about spaceships and prairie folk.

Holding Up Icosahedrons

Posted: October 09, 2004

Babylon 5, Conan, Paranoia . . . Mongoose Publishing has grabbed up all sorts of licenses for its RPGs, and continues to support them with the latest issues of their in-house magazine: Signs & Portents #11, Signs & Portents #12, and Signs & Portents #13.

Mad Scientists!

Posted: October 08, 2004

Insanity and technology go together like peanut butter and jelly. Get a taste of both in a wild steampunk setting with Girl Genius #11 and Girl Genius #12, featuring full-color Foglio art.

Touching The Divine

Posted: October 07, 2004

Paladins and clerics and druids and shamans . . . Flex your spiritual powers and take control of your own destiny with Hunt: Rise of Evil - The Pantheon and Pagan Faiths, a d20 System sourcebook for all things holy and profane.

Chicken Soup For The Superhero's Soul

Posted: October 06, 2004

Multiple-personality disorders are bad enough when you can't split into multiple copies of yourself and argue each side. And what about the super-strength superhero with anger issues? Fortunately, Dr. Blink: Superhero Shrink is here in the first issue of his new comic, ready to ease your mind! (Extra charge for telepaths.)

Into The Deep Dark Forest

Posted: October 05, 2004

Fairy tales just got a little spookier. Dark Tales introduces new cards for Once Upon a Time, full of trolls and curses and terror in the night. Not happily-ever-after enough for your tastes? Then write your own stories and endings with the Create-Your-Own Storytelling Cards.

Barbarian Action Hour

Posted: October 04, 2004

Conan's really gotten around. Traveling along The Road of Kings, sailing among the Pirate Isles . . . But you can still put fiendish traps in his way, and cackle from behind the Conan Game Master's Screen.

After The Dead Rise

Posted: October 03, 2004

You're One of the Living. Society collapsed, you crawled out of the rubble and fought to survive against the encroaching undead - or maybe you didn't. Maybe zombies show up on Zombie Smackdown on pay-per-view every night. All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Hope it's not yours.

Bubble, Bubble

Posted: October 02, 2004

EverQuest: Realms of Norrath - Dagnor's Cauldron presents another area for high fantasy adventure. There's no cooking involved, but you may get a chance to go up against the greatest mortal wizard in the setting's history, which is probably even better, assuming you're not all that hungry at the moment and in the mood to fight for your life.

Warehouse 23 Top Ten

Posted: October 01, 2004

Check out Warehouse 23's top selling items for September at the Warehouse 23 Top 10 page.

Behold The Doom Cow

Posted: September 30, 2004

For everyone who loved the bovine mayhem and four-hooved action of Battle Cattle, there's now Rambull, a squishably cuddly (yet dangerous and hostile!) plush cow, complete with missile launchers and grenade cowbell.