Warehouse 23 Blog

Kick Arse For The Lord!

Posted: November 20, 2007

Savage Worlds: The Savage World of Solomon Kane proves that all you need to have a good time is a big hat, two fists, and the righteous fury of the Almighty. Oh, and a legion of horrors from the darkest, deepest pits of Hell.

It's Not About Winning

Posted: November 19, 2007

It's more about avoiding the ire of the Dragons of Kir long enough that your opponent gets killed in a most undignified manner instead. Which is like winning, but much funnier to watch.

This City Ain't Big Enough

Posted: November 18, 2007

A big, juicy city is just waiting to be carved up into yummy slices for you and your behorsebacked brethren. Of course, you're not the only massive cadre of spear-wielding psychopaths who want in on the action. Grab Battue: Storm of the Horse Lords and lay down some smack on that infidel and the horse he rode in on.

Ein Berliner Vs. Not-A-Crook: Live On Your Dinner Table!

Posted: November 17, 2007

It's the grudge match of the century! Specifically, the 20th century! Um, even more specifically, 1960. In fact, it's really just restricted to 1960. And it's not much of a grudge match. In fact, it doesn't even register as an altercation. It's 1960: The Making of the President, and it's about the Kennedy/Nixon presidential race. But hey, that's still pretty exciting, right?

The Dead Walk! (. . . And Play Cards?)

Posted: November 16, 2007

Fluxx is back from the dead! It is now Zombie Fluxx, shambling through the streets and feasting on human flesh! Run away while you still can! And by "run" we mean "order a copy from our store!"

A Game Not To Be Mythed

Posted: November 15, 2007

You've read the books, you've seen the comic, now play the board game! Myth Fortunes brings Robert Asprin's punny world to life, in a two-dimensional sort of way! (Warehouse 23 acknowledges that it's possible you haven't actually read or seen anything, but chooses to ignore this as it would undermine the ad. Thank you for your cooperation.)

For France! (And Also Some Rich Dude)

Posted: November 14, 2007

The village of Caylus needs a castle, and it needs it now. King Philip is having one built, and you've decided to get a little piece of the action. Play your cards right, and you'll walk away with fortune and fame. Fail and you'll have to suffer the fate of knowing you are now and for all time a total failure. At everything. Yes, even that. Better win, huh? (Bonus! Caylus Magna Carta gives you yet another way to fail fantastically. Er, that is, win fortune and fame.)

Call Of Carthulhu

Posted: November 13, 2007

The disturbingly named Call of Cthulhu: Peeping Cthulhu gives everyone's favorite oft-exploited Elder God just the thing he's been missing these many long years: suction cups. Now you can stick him on your rear windshield without the use of obnoxiously potent adhesives, awkward propping implements, or the Dread Incantation of Everlasting Togetherness!

What A Waste

Posted: November 12, 2007

Nicer than most wastes, it is. They went and built a palace there and everything. You can read all about it in Dungeon Crawl Classics #49: Palace in the Wastes. Sure, it's filled with all manner of Pointy-Icky-Stabby Things, but what palace isn't these days, eh?


Posted: November 11, 2007

City of Angels? If by "angel" you mean "flesh-eating beast that lives in the fears of man and hunts by the darkest night." In which case, yeah, sure, City of Angels. Call of Cthulhu: Secrets of Los Angeles nicely describes all the dear, sweet angels you're sure to find in this West Coast wonderland.

Going Somewhere?

Posted: November 10, 2007

Not without a spaceship you're not! No, that's not a threat, it's just that, um, space is, y'know . . . cold. And lacking air. Stuff like that. So grab a ship, Traveller fans! Heck, grab two dozen! The Zhodani Fleet Box 1 and Imperial Fleet Box 1 await.

Exploit Your Core Competences

Posted: November 09, 2007

In the business world, you can't afford to underutilize your best practices. You need to actualize your potentialities in a dynamic, next-generation framework. You'll also need visual aids. The Stress Chart T-shirt should help when you need to explain how your "paradigm" shifts as a result of exposure to "mismanaged assets" as the week drags on.

Heroes: Light Bulbs For A Nation

Posted: November 08, 2007

When Darkness Falls on Sevinpold, it's gonna take more than a 90-watter to solve their problem. No, this is a situation better solved with longswords than lumens.

Why? Because We'll Eat You.

Posted: November 07, 2007

Most cults are all about robes and black candles and blood sacrifices by the pale moonlight to the Dark Gods What Live On High In The Realm Of Madness and all that other high-falootin' garbage. Not the Miskatonic Mouse Club! No sir, they're about cool T-shirts. And songs. And, okay, yeah, blood sacrifices, et cetera, et cetera.

Rule The World! (250 Million Years Ago)

Posted: November 06, 2007

Are you man enough to embark on the Conquest of Pangea? Wait, had humans even been invented yet? Okay, um, are you protozoa enough, then?