Warehouse 23 Blog

Big Fnording Deal

Posted: November 05, 2007

Illuminati is back! One might even say it's "better than ever." How? By way of the long-awaited, much-anticipated, and otherwise primo-keen Bavarian Fire Drill. It has 110 new ways to dominate and decimate, and introduces Artifacts to the mixed-up world of remixed conspiracy theories. Buy it today and get 23 fnords absolutely free!

Kitsch Of The Damned

Posted: November 04, 2007

Where would the horror genre be without the Ancient Cursed Doohickey? Unholy knives, haunted paintings, possessed ottomans - scary things are a staple of the genre. If your games are just a few mystical mirrors short of a haunted house, then perhaps The World of Darkness: Reliquary can help. Guaranteed not to be cursed itself!


Posted: November 03, 2007

Bulls, known for their affinity for fine china, have developed something of a bad reputation when it comes to actually shopping for the stuff. It is a shame that a Bull in a China Shop is eyed with so much suspicion these days, as if simply being a bull makes him more apt to run around and "liquidate the merchandise," as it were. Speciesism, that's what that is.

Warehouse 23 Top Ten

Posted: November 02, 2007

Warehouse 23 has posted an updated Top 10 page for October. Check it out, and see what all the cool kids are buying . . .

The Truth Will Set You Free

Posted: November 01, 2007

The True Fae, however, will push you around, tell you what to do, and generally just be jerks about everything. If want more True Fae truths, pick up Changeling: The Lost - Autumn Nightmares and read it. (Uh, but please buy it first, of course. From us, specifically.)

Back In Black (And Orange)

Posted: October 31, 2007

The Call of Cthulhu: Hallow's Eve Cthulhu plush is just the sort of warm, comforting reminder that that we know you need: the Obsidian Forces of Soul-Eating Darkness can find anyone, anywhere, at any time, and They know your name. Happy Halloween!

Europe Won't Conquer Itself

Posted: October 30, 2007

So hop to, Knights of Charlemagne, and get to work! This Frankish gravy train you're on ain't no free ride. You've got plans to plan and actions to enact!

Around Asia In . . . Just About A Week

Posted: October 29, 2007

Okay, so a fortnight isn't exactly an epic period of time, but it's enough time to bounce around and have yourself an Asian adventure. 10 Days in Asia: short but sweet.

Don't Stab Your Friend In The Back

Posted: October 28, 2007

Stab through his back and into the monster. After all, the monster is the "real" enemy. Your friend, who is somewhat less of an enemy, is needed to help splatter the monster. But you don't want him to get credit. Thus, it is in your best interest to kill two birds with one halberd. That's more or less the idea behind Cutthroat Caverns, a game where cooperation is paramount and alliances are short-lived.

Three Heads, One Body, No Equal

Posted: October 27, 2007

Well, except Mecha King Ghidorah. He'd count as an equal. But, anyway, we're here to offer the Godzilla Origins: King Ghidorah Roaring Plush, not to argue semantics over silly taglines. We could do both, but that would distract from the whole "you spending money" thing.

Space Sucks

Posted: October 26, 2007

And yet, despite how much it sucks, people always go gallivanting around trying to figure out just how far it sucks. You try to tell them "it's infinite," and they say "but how infinite?" Next time, just throw Bablyon 5: The Rim at 'em. If it doesn't make them happy, it will certainly make them quieter.

Pew Pew Pew!

Posted: October 25, 2007

Reach out and demolecularize someone! If you've ever wondered why you should never bring a super-strong fist to a laser fight, then perhaps a read through Hero System: The Ultimate Energy Projector is just what the doctor ordered.

Manly, Hairy, Man-Powered, Manhairness

Posted: October 24, 2007

RuneQuest: Sláine is the sort of game that puts hair on your chest. Even if you're female. In fact, the hair-generation potential of this book is so great that if it were ever to contact a bottle of Nair, you'd get a crater five miles wide from the reaction.

The Endginning

Posted: October 23, 2007

They dropped the bomb, the virus spread, the zombies ate everyone, aliens invaded, the moon exploded, the mimes took over. Or something equally obnoxious happened. Either way, now that The World is dead, things are much more interesting. Now you just need a book like Hero System: Post-Apocalyptic Hero to point out all the sights worth seeing.

The Man (Er, Men (Um, And Women)) Behind The Curtain

Posted: October 22, 2007

What's the point of a secret being secret if you tell everyone? It would seem that a book like Exalted: The Manual of Exalted Power - Sidereals laying bare the privileged information of Exalted's Secret Masters would sorta spoil their plans. Ah, but then you would be underestimating the power of misinformation. Wait, or would you? What if it's true and they just want you to think it isn't. But what if they anticipated that too . . .