Warehouse 23 Blog

On Volcano Gods

Posted: October 21, 2007

While some deities may promise fire and brimstone, you can be certain that the Volcano God will always deliver. In fact, that's kind of the problem. We're all going to be enjoying the sun from under a protective layer of molten rock unless someone runs up (and subsequently jumps into) Tiki Mountain!


Posted: October 20, 2007

Yes, "stab." Also, "crush," "blast," and "eviscerate." Wicked Fantasy Factory #0: Temple of Blood doesn't offer these as polite suggestions. Oh no. No, friends, these may as well be commandments from the Gods of Smackdown.

Megalomania: Now With 50% More "Mega"

Posted: October 19, 2007

China Rails is a game about China, the rails one might build there, and the crayons one will use to form a railroad empire the likes of which will bring the world to its knees, shake the heavens, and unite All That Is under your glorious banner so that you might rule Creation with a colored-wax fist! Or, uh, something like that.

Evil, And The Evil Things It Does

Posted: October 18, 2007

Not "evil," like "hey, you jerk, that was the last slice." Rather, we're talking about "Evil," like "hey, you jerk, you just ate my grandmother." That's the sort of evil waiting in Bleeding Edge Adventures: Dark Wings Over Freeport and it needs a good slayin'. Needs. Unless you just really have something against people's grandmas.

We The People

Posted: October 17, 2007

"Sleepy" rural towns, indeed. Sure, they always seem to pleasant and innocent. At first. Then some megalomaniacal alien hive-mind descends upon the town and makes the hapless denizens sing show tunes from Rodgers and Hammerstein productions. Mutants and Masterminds: A More Perfect Union will let you run helpful simulations of what to do if you take a wrong turn and end up in Stepford. Kinda like a fire drill, only with more baked goods.

And I'll Form The Head

Posted: October 16, 2007

Gigantic robots don't typically feature prominently in Tolkien-esque high fantasy. Typically. Wicked Fantasy Factory #2: Against the Iron Giant has decided to screw with the metric just a bit.


Posted: October 15, 2007

Nine out of ten podiatrists agree that games with umlauts in the title are twice as Cool as their non-umlauted equivalents. Don't believe us? Ask your doctor about Tannhäuser today.

Hitting Zombies With A Crowbar

Posted: October 14, 2007

That's how we plan to spend our Last Night on Earth. You?

Hit The Road, Jack

Posted: October 13, 2007

Murder has come to Whitechapel! And now, Murder is trying to vacate Whitechapel in short order. Eight investigators search the streets for the killer, unaware that one amongst them is actually Mr. Jack. And it'll stay that way, if you have enough cunning and guile to maneuver the mad murderer through London's dark streets. (Unless you play the investigators. In which case, go hose that scum-sucker!)


Posted: October 12, 2007

If you build it, they will cower in terror before your awesome Awesome (AWS-8Q, that is). But you can't just slap any old thing together and call it a 50-foot tall 80-ton Bringer of Fire and Judgement. No, sir! You'll need a plan, and for that you'll need the Classic BattleTech: TechManual.

The Battle Of The (Product) Line

Posted: October 11, 2007

Understanding is a three-edged sword. Your side, our side, and the errata. Fret not, though, for the second edition of Babylon 5: A Call To Arms (along with its good friend Babylon 5: A Call To Arms - Fleet Lists) should clear things up nicely.

The Evolution Revolution

Posted: October 10, 2007

Never before has so much thought gone into a mindless, furious, blood-crazed slaughter-fest-o-thon. With its teeth that bite, claws that catch, and big honkin' arms that squish, Hordes: Evolution really puts the "war" in "wargame." (Psst! There's also a hardcover version!)

Warehouse 23 Top Ten

Posted: October 09, 2007

Warehouse 23 has posted an updated Top 10 page for July. Check it out, and see what all the cool kids are buying . . .

And Now A Word From Our Sponser

Posted: October 08, 2007

Buy more things! Any things! We're not picky! Like, uh - here! Buy Advanced Adventures: The Red Mausoleum! Buy, buy, buy! Things! Buy them! Wooo! And now back to our website.

When They Raise The Stakes . .

Posted: October 07, 2007

. . . just get a stepladder! Scion: Demigod is more complex than that, to be sure, but that's really all it comes down to. Cosmically speaking.