Warehouse 23 Blog

Lookie! Look Look!

Posted: August 22, 2007

Dice! Everyone loves dice! Even 40th level necromancer/alien invader/eldritch horror/Secret Master/bunny rabbits love dice! Vortex dice! (As it turns out, they don't suck!) Velvet dice! (As it turns out, they aren't soft. Ow!) Borealis dice! (Borealis!)

Yes, You May Play With Madness

Posted: August 21, 2007

We wouldn't recommend it, but feel free to play with the Plush Screaming Cthulhu to your heart's content. Sure, the little guy looks innocent enough. In a vile, Elder God, I'm-gonna-eat-you sort of way. Look, it's your soul either way, but if you want our advice, don't squeeze the little guy. Trust us on this one.


Posted: August 20, 2007

What do you say about a guy like Elric? Kind pale. Broods a lot. Star of his own RPG powered by RuneQuest. That's right, everyone's favorite soul-sucking proto-goth, Elric of Melniboné, is back once again to kick ass and . . . feel really bad about it afterwards.

Wood For . . . Fish?

Posted: August 19, 2007

Doesn't really work. "Fishing for wood" is probably as close as we can get with this one. The brow may be higher for the humor inherent to Settlers of Catan: The Fishermen of Catan, but the price sure isn't. Good things truly do come in small packages. It seems crude innuendo, however, needs a little more elbow room.

The Worm Plays Pinochle

Posted: August 18, 2007

. . . on your soul! Call of Cthulhu: The Spiraling Worm is the latest of the blasphemous tomes of horrific, horrible, horrifying, um, horror. It's scary is what we're tryin' to say, and we think that merits purchase. So come on. What's another 1D6 SAN to you at this point, anyway?

Splattered Rookies, Live On Pay-Per-View!

Posted: August 17, 2007

Every legend has a humble beginning. Sometimes, that's a a dirt farm or slave pit. Sometimes, it's running away from orcs. On television. Live. Xcrawl: Dungeonbattle Brooklyn is an introductory adventure for low-level participants in the American Empire's favorite bloodsport. Sure, if you die, you die. But if you live, just think of the glory, prestige, and endorsement deals!

The Only Thing We Have To Play Is . . .

Posted: August 16, 2007

. . . Fear Itself!

Mundane Items: Mundane

Posted: August 15, 2007

Always will be, too. But you don't want mundane. Frodo didn't carry a mundane ring. Aladdin didn't spend all day polishing a mundane lamp. The power of Greyskull was not summoned with a mundane sword. Items with enchantments are what all the winners wield. Ya wanna be a winner, don'cha kid? Then snatch up Fantasy Hero: Enchanted Items!

This Little Light Of Ours

Posted: August 14, 2007

We're gonna let it . . . uh . . . flowers? Look, it doesn't matter anyway. The little light got a lot littler as of late. So little, in fact, that it no longer guides ships in from the sea. It's also haunted now, which is just dandy. Stupid light. In fact, you can just have the dumb light. If you ever wanna get it fixed, Castles & Crusades: Secret Of Smugglers Cove should do the trick.

Right-O, Switch It On Now

Posted: August 13, 2007

Aaaagh! Oh gods, turn it off, turn it off! Gonna miss that arm . . . oh well! Let's just try to think of it as a new component in this Infernal Contraption and continue construction. That'll probably be the last of the - Guaahagaow! Turn it off!!

Goblins: Being Stupid So You Don't Have To

Posted: August 12, 2007

If they weren't constantly being stabbed, smushed, bashed, stomped, kicked, punched, eviscerated, incinerated, and disintegrated, goblins wouldn't be anywhere near as entertaining as they are. Kragmortha takes that theme and runs with it until it slams face first into a brick wall. To grand comedic effect.

Evil Has Its Reasons

Posted: August 11, 2007

True, sometimes that reason is just "Evil!" Sometimes, though, there's all this backstory-y stuff running around that you don't know about that drives the evil. Deep, meaningful, and sometimes even complicated stuff. Or, in the case of The Order of the Stick: Start of Darkness, the most important kind of stuff of all: funny stuff.

Pick A Level Between 1 And 10

Posted: August 10, 2007

Dungeon Crawl Classics: Saga of the Dragon Cult is a series of adventures that contains not just several dungeons, but also an honest-to-goodness dragon. These two things well in hand, what else does an adventure really need?

Warehouse 23 Top Ten

Posted: August 09, 2007

Warehouse 23 has posted an updated Top 10 page for July. Check it out, and see what all the cool kids are buying . . .

More Things To Kill And Beat

Posted: August 08, 2007

Villains! GODSEND Agenda: U.S.E.R.'S Most Wanted is bursting, bursting, at the seams with 'em! Look at those seams. See?! There goes another! Hurry, buy this book before it destroys us all!