Warehouse 23 Blog

If Ya Do And If Ya Don't

Posted: July 23, 2007

The tricky thing about government conspiracies and shadow agencies is every once in a while they're the only thing standing between you and a horrifying, tentacle-fueled death. Of course, like any other secret group, they'll still stomp all over you in order to protect you. Oh well. Call of Cthulhu: Delta Green has all that and the usual dose of Go Crazy And Die you expect from the Mythos. Bonus!


Posted: July 22, 2007

Talking ones, too! Also intrigue and adventure and conflict and smog and all the standard issue Cool Stuff that comes with a fantasy city of epic proportions. But without a doubt, the really cool part about RuneQuest: Lankhmar - Nehwon is the talking rodents. It's like NIMH. Only eeeevil.

The City That Never Sleeps

Posted: July 21, 2007

Probably because everyone was too busy building steam-powered monstrosities to think about developing ear plugs. Then again, clockwork ear plugs are sorta self-defeating. In any event, while The Clanking City is loud and obnoxious, the book covering said city is very informative, very interesting, and very, very quiet. At least until the players in your RuneQuest game get their mitts on it, anyway.

Now With 400% More Tree-Hugging

Posted: July 20, 2007

At first, there was Munchkin, and that was good enough. But soon, the rabid desire to kill things and take their stuff grew. So, we brought forth a sequel. And a sequel to that sequel. And so on down the line, bringing us to Munchkin 5 - De-Ranged. Surely this will satiate the previously unslakeable bloodlust of our rabid (though greatly appreciated) fans . . . Right?

I Only Have Petrifying Gaze For You

Posted: July 19, 2007

Bring your Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, because a medusa is on the loose-a. Sorry. That was supposed to be funny. We don't know what happened. We'll go check the machine. In the meantime, enjoy Dungeon Crawl Classics #45: Malice of the Medusa.

The Play's The . . . AIYEE!

Posted: July 18, 2007

Well, at least yellow is a festive color. The latest Call of Cthulhu: Arkham Horror expansion brings everyone's favorite (very) off-Broadway production to the burg voted America's Most Damned Vacation Getaway. With new rules for Heralds and a mind-shattering mass of new cards, The King in Yellow will be many things. Boring won't be one of them.

The Dice With Six Faces

Posted: July 17, 2007

Your current stock of d6 dice are, sad to say, not up to the task of rescuing distressed damsels. Nor are they fit to prop up a toppling building, stop an evil genius from completing his doomsday device, find the lost city of Atlantis - heck, they're not even fit to save a kitten from a tree. So take all your d6s and throw them in the trash. Yes, all of them. What you need are Hero Dice: the only dice with the word "hero" right there in the name.


Posted: July 16, 2007

Valiant and vindictive heroes are but a vestige of their veridical visages without vermin to violently vanquish. Champions: Villains, Vandals, And Vermin contains a variety of such vicious vagrants. It is a very verbose work, not at all vacant: a veritable verisimilitude of vipers, varmints, and vandals.

Uz Vs. Them

Posted: July 15, 2007

Sometimes, it's good to be bad. That's what RuneQuest: Trolls - A Guide to the Uz is all about. Of course, in this instance, "bad" also sorta entails "ugly." And not just ugly, but hit-every-branch-on-the-ugly-tree, doctor-slapped-your-parents, makes-blind-children-cry ugly. So come check out the Dark Side, but, um . . . bring a paper bag.

Battle More

Posted: July 14, 2007

Are the contents of the main BattleLore box enough? Nay, say we! For one thing was left out, one thing cast aside, one thing . . . amiss. And that would be the contents of the expansion Epic Battlelore. Upon joining the two, you shall witness an unstoppable force of gaming the likes of which mankind has not seen in an age! Behold its glory, its wonder, its . . . epicness! At least, that's what the pamphlet says, anyway.

Get. Out.

Posted: July 13, 2007

Some houses have a southern exposure. Some have phantasmal portals to a hoary netherworld from which eldritch horrors emerge to spew death, insanity, and terror upon the world. Guess which houses are featured in Call of Cthulhu: Mansions of Madness.

Universally Standoffish

Posted: July 12, 2007

Don't let Mexico have all the fun. Buy a copy of CA$H'n GUN$ and spread the gun-pointing fun of a firearm stalemate all over the globe!

World War, Too

Posted: July 11, 2007

While we may know a thing or three about mankind's greatest struggle, there's still plenty of battle-worn ground to cover. With almost ten pounds of box, Tide of Iron certainly covers a lot of ground. As an added bonus, you can use it for cover when Germany starts making their push into France.

Heh Heh . . . "Attributes"

Posted: July 10, 2007

For many of you, the word Attribute brings to mind things like Dexterity or IQ. The rest of you probably associate it with . . . innuendo. Well you're both wrong! It's a card game about sheep! So there!

Snakes On A Thing

Posted: July 09, 2007

That joke is still funny, right? Well, just pretend it is and buy a copy of Thieves' World: Black Snake Dawn anyway. We've got stuff to do today, and we can't be bothered to find some way to help keep silly Internet memes on life support. We've got [TEXT REMOVED] to clothe and [CENSORED] to feed. Also, [FNORD].