Warehouse 23 Blog

More Things To Kill And Eat

Posted: February 07, 2007

Man can not subsist on beating up samurai alone. Man needs critters to smash and mangle, too. By extension, Man must therefore need Legend of the Five Rings: Creatures of Rokugan. Woman probably needs it too, but the lab monkeys we asked about all this are proving . . . uncooperative, in the way only monkeys can be.

It Just Goes Without Saying

Posted: February 06, 2007

When you call your game Cave Troll, there are certain expectations players have. Namely, your game had better feature a big freakin' troll that lives in a cave. Otherwise, what's the point? As luck would have it, this game delivers on that promise.

Fight Crime . . . With Your Mind

Posted: February 05, 2007

Sometimes muscle and machismo just don't get the job done. Sometimes you need to get inside a villain's head and dredge up those bothersome memories, like the shameful Locker Room Incident or the agony that was Junior Prom. Let's see the bad guy be all megalomaniacal when you bring those little gems to the fore. You're sure to find other ways to flex your big fat brains with Hero System: The Ultimate Mentalist, but is there really anything more fun than finding out just when Doctor Destructothon stop wetting the bed?

The Wheel Turns

Posted: February 04, 2007

The bioengineered, nanomachine-filled, artificially-intelligent wheel, that is. Time marches on, rules get revised, and people often get stuck with a load of books that no longer work with the best roleplaying rule set conceived by man. Case in point: Transhuman Space. We went and did something quite inconsiderate, releasing the fourth version of GURPS without updating THS. Transhuman Space: Changing Times rights that grand injustice rather nicely.

Places To Go, Things To Get There In

Posted: February 03, 2007

A trip to the Mars Colony sounds great on paper, but what about all that hard vacuum between here and there? You could try holding your breath, but we wouldn't chance it. A better bet would be to simply use one of the ships listed in Babylon 5: Ships of the Galaxy. Travel in comfort in the stylish, state-of-the-art, heavily-armed tin can of your choice.

Get Lost

Posted: February 02, 2007

Let's be honest here. In a city this big, that's about all you're gonna accomplish. Sure, you could take in the sights of the World's Largest City. You could try. Just grab a sword and some scrolls of Cure Heavy Blisters and resign yourself to an urban hike of 20th-level proportions.

Glory, Honor, And Hats With Horns

Posted: February 01, 2007

Ragnarok is upon us, and Midgard is steadily circling the drain. So what's a Viking to do? The same thing he does every night, of course: find someone whose face he doesn't like and then pound said face into a fine powder. As ways to spend your last hours on earth go, we can't argue with that. That is to say, we daren't start an argument with a viking.

Dot Bomb

Posted: January 31, 2007

It's the end of the 20th century and the ship is sinking. Sure, you can try to bail water by downsizing or expanding your market share, but let's face facts. With your Burn Rate, you and your internet start-up will soon be sharing a room with Davey Jones. On the bright side, everyone else is in the same boat.

It Takes Two, Baby

Posted: January 30, 2007

Expeditious Retreat Press just released a pair of adventures for a pair of gamers. Snag yourself a copy of One on One Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills or One on One Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier and bring them along next time you take that special someone in your life out for a good time. It's sure to be a night they'll never forget.

When Will They Learn?

Posted: January 29, 2007

If people would just stop scorning women, then women wouldn't keep having these unhell-like furies. Sure, these fits of fury can make for roleplaying fodder (like Mutants & Masterminds: Time of Vengeance, for example), but wouldn't it just save us all a lot of trouble if flowers or chocolate got involved?

Oedipus Complex Sold Separately

Posted: January 28, 2007

Okay, so Mamma doesn't contain any patricide or grief-stricken gouging out of eyes, but we're fairly sure the entertainment value of the game is not diminished by their omission. Fairly sure.

Aw, Not Again

Posted: January 27, 2007

We were all prepared to tell you how great The Werewolves of Millers Hollow is and how wonderful your life would become should you choose to purchase said game from us . . . but then those pesky body snatchers invaded. Again. Sorry, folks, check back tomorrow!

More, Merrier

Posted: January 26, 2007

Fortified with 50% more stuff and 25% more thingies (though only 5.23%, more fnord), The Gamers: Director’s Cut is the definitive version of everyone's favorite film about wasting time in a college dorm. That's right, definitive. We checked the dictionary and everything.

Countless Counters

Posted: January 25, 2007

So you've got your copy of Ptolus, and your players delve into the City by the Spire in that wonderful way only adventurers can delve. That is, with lots of stabby, swingy, slicy combat. Counter Collection: Ptolus (Digital) ought to help keep things flowing smoothly when the limbs start flying.


Posted: January 24, 2007

We all can agree that medieval Europe is "ancient," right? So what do you call the magic in Ars Magica: Ancient Magic? Preancient? Subancient? Let's just call it "cool" and be done with it.