Warehouse 23 Blog

What . . . Is Your Joke?

Posted: January 23, 2007

To imitate the famous scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. What . . . is your quest? To sell the Monty Python: Holy Grail Plush. What . . . is it gonna take to get you nice people to stop reading this silly advertisement and just click the link?

Bigger, Better Bags

Posted: January 22, 2007

Do your dice dwell dangerously? Adrift in your dork domicile? Don't dispair! Dapper, downy duffels for dice do detain dodecahedrons delightfully.

Like Bargain Hunting. Only With Guns.

Posted: January 21, 2007

Why should the cops go to all the trouble of gathering evidence, doing legwork, traveling from spaceport to spaceport, and generally making themselves sweaty and tired when they could just make you do it? Babylon 5: Bounty Hunter, because the authorities are too busy trying to figure out the "green/purple" thing.

Yeah, But How Many?

Posted: January 20, 2007

Y'know. Many. More than a few. If you wanna know exactly how many, just pick up The Deck of Many Things and count 'em out. Other Things sold separately.

Spaceships! In! The Grouuuund!

Posted: January 19, 2007

Doesn't . . . quite have the same ring. Eh, anyway, Dungeon Crawl Classics #36: Talons of the Horned King sounds pointy, but there's far more to the adventure than talons and horns. There's a big, metal "boat that sails the stars," loads of critters to cleave, and enough techno toys to bring that stupid "game balance" to its bony knees.

Wimps, On A Scale Barely Fathomable

Posted: January 18, 2007

What do you mean that's not what it's about? It's called Cosmic Wimpout, after all. No? Dice, huh? Um, must be the, erm, cold weather . . . affecting our . . . reception . . . from InfoSat 523. Ahem. This isn't the ad you're looking for.

A Series Of Tubed Dice

Posted: January 17, 2007

You can't just dump plush, novelty-sized polyhedral dice in a big truck. That is precisely why Toy Vault packages their Fuzzy Dice: Plush Polyhedral 7-Die Set in big, plastic tubes.

Food Of Thought

Posted: January 16, 2007

Uhhhhhn . . . Toast? Nuuuuh . . . Steak? Nuuuuuh . . . Tofu? Nuuuh! Uh? Ah! Mmm . . . Brains!

Sacrifice Your Friends!

Posted: January 15, 2007

Do You Worship Cthulhu? Then it's okay . . . they're not really your friends. They just think they are. And that means you can toss them into the flames with reckless abandon! Provided they don't lynch you, of course.

Magic. The Manly Kind.

Posted: January 14, 2007

You'll find none of that hoighty-toighty, self-affirming, circle-of-life "magic" that you supposedly see in a baby's smile or a butterfly's emergence from a chrysalis. No! We're talking about Magic of Glorantha, the sort of magic that utilizes verbs like "engulf" or "sunder" or "transubstantiate." Y'know, cool magic.

Sleep Tight

Posted: January 13, 2007

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and it can do so in comfort and style with the Plush Necronomicon Pillow Book. Part book of terrible secrets that drive people to the edges of sanity, part comfy pillow, this plush version of everyone's favorite blasphemous tomb is sure to start a horrifying conversation or two.

Cutest. Outbreak. Ever.

Posted: January 12, 2007

GIANTmicrobes has expanded its line of contagiously cute plush, so grab a hazmat suit and have a look at the latest in gigantic itty-bitty life forms.

And Lo, The Lord Did Spake

Posted: January 11, 2007

And He did say, "Build Me stuff." And lo, it was good. Until that other omnipotent, omniscient being of untold splendor didst pick a fight unto the Lord. And lo, things didst get kinda . . . messy. And lo, Gheos was played.

Fancy And Pantsy

Posted: January 09, 2007

True20: Liber Artefactorum is not a title to be taken lightly. It's Latin, and when a publisher breaks out the Latin-to-English, you know they have something important to say. And we should know.

Senior Citizen Smackdown

Posted: January 08, 2007

With great power comes great, big, honkin' fireballs that smite your foolish enemies into tiny, charred bits of ashen dust that you stamp into floor smash bang STOMP! . . . Ahem. Where were we? Oh yes, power! Great power. Eldritch Ass Kicking power.