Warehouse 23 Blog

More For Moor

Posted: April 03, 2006

What's a magician without magic? An "ian"? No good. Blackmoor fans, get yourself Blackmoor: The Wizards' Cabal. Your fellow ians will thank you.

Um . . .

Posted: April 01, 2006

Lethargic Lad #3. It's . . . pretty funny. You should buy it. Or not. Whatever.

Trial By Fire

Posted: March 31, 2006

Sent to relieve a garrison stationed at a monitoring station on the third moon of planet Selvache, the small group of rookie Mobile Infantry troopers had no idea what they were in for. No idea of the horrors they would see or the trials that they would overcome. No idea that they were to be the key players in Starship Troopers: The Selvache Incident.

It Only Follows

Posted: March 30, 2006

There was a book 1, so there has to be a book 2. We're pretty sure it's Newton's 32nd Law. Or something like that. Anyway, pick up a copy of ps238: To the Cafeteria... FOR JUSTICE!. Because of physics. And stuff.

Big XP, Small Monster

Posted: March 29, 2006

The Big Eyes, Small Mouth d20: Monstrous Manual is a veritable smorgasbord of things your team of dungeon-diving, mecha-driving, brain-meltingly cute adventurers can kill.

Dicey Shopping

Posted: March 28, 2006

Have you the bravery, the will, the guts, and (most importantly) the disposable income to order a set of Leaf Steel/Gold dice?

Things That Go Slosh In The Night

Posted: March 27, 2006

Certain environments call for certain monsters. After all, you wouldn't see a frost wyrm smack dab in the middle of the Sahara, would you? Of course not! (But if you ever do, take my advice and disbelieve.) The next time you find you need a monster for your players' trip through the bayou, crack open a copy of Monster Geographica: Marsh & Aquatic.

State Of The Art Of War

Posted: March 26, 2006

Need a BattleMech with a little more . . . "oopmh"? Optional rules, amazing technologies, and very, very big bangs are the name of the game in Classic BattleTech: Technical Readout 3055 Upgrade. Remember: it's not "overkill." It's "definitively solving the problem."

Holy Street!

Posted: March 25, 2006

Even the most jaded adventures need the occasional divine intervention . . . or insane cult to slay. City Quarters: Temple Quarter contains more temples and religious orders than you can shake a stick at. Well. Okay, you could shake a stick at them, but you'd probably get pretty tired after a while, and is that really what you want out of life?

Frightening Fiction For Fearless Fans

Posted: March 24, 2006

Call of Cthulhu: The Tsathoggua Cycle. Try sayin' that one three times fast. Actually, don't. The risk of us getting sued because someone exploded their tongue is too great.

Honor. Loyalty. Duty. Bumpy Foreheads.

Posted: March 23, 2006

Sure, Prime Directive d20: Klingons is a great sourcebook for Prime Directive d20, but who hasn't dreamt of screaming "Qapla!" while diving a good dungeon? Dahjaj' oH QaQ jajghet!

What's Better Than Robots?

Posted: March 22, 2006

Magic robots. No fantasy game is complete without at least a few thousand robots. Don't want to be less than complete, do you? Didn't think so. But where does one go to find the pertinent information to handle this fantasy genre staple? Look no further than Iron Kingdoms: Liber Mechanika!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Or Else

Posted: March 21, 2006

A stark warning of the dangers of industrial waste, the Godzilla Origins: Plush Mini Hedorah is a great way to show youngsters that if they litter now, in a few years a giant smog monster will destroy us all. Think about that the next time you toss garbage out your car window.

Superheroes: Now With Extra Angst!

Posted: March 20, 2006

Puberty is tough enough without having a death-ray wielding megalomaniac breathing down your neck. Add some immaturity to your super roleplaying with Champions: Teen Champions. And buck up, kid. At least it's really easy to keep up a secret identity when nobody understands you anyway.

Another Day, Another Dungeon

Posted: March 19, 2006

Dungeon Crawl Classics #2: The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho has everything you have come to expect from a rough-and-tumble, down-and-dirty, shake-and-bake dungeon crawl for first level characters. Ancient evil, a dank cave, and lots 'n lots of kobolds.