Warehouse 23 Blog

It Just Keeps Haunting, And Haunting, And Haunting . . .

Posted: March 02, 2006

The Book of Unremitting Horror follows through on the title's promise of being full of things horrifying, terrifying, and other scary words that end in "ing." The jury's still out on the "unremitting" bit, however.

Vampires, Prophecies, Finals

Posted: March 01, 2006

Into every rulebook, errata is born. It alone will stand against the typos, the rule- . . . okay, maybe that's a bit melodramatic. Sharpen your stakes and grab your report on global economics, Slayer, because the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Revised Corebook is your 288-page ticket to the Hellmouth.

Buy This Bumper Sticker Or Die!

Posted: February 28, 2006

The honor of your ancestors demands that you purchase this Ninja Burger: Guaranteed Delivery Bumper Sticker! Do not fail your ancestors! Dead people have entirely too much time on their hands, and they wouldn't think twice about taking you around the block a few times!

Mother Nature Knows Best

Posted: February 27, 2006

Besides, if you don't abide her, she'll drop an earthquake on you. So maybe it's time you started learning a little something about nature, and had a good time doing it to boot! EcoFluxx: everything you love about normal Fluxx, now with extra eco-!

Now That's Smart Advertising

Posted: February 26, 2006

With a name like Berserker Halflings from the Dungeon of Dragons, what can you possibly say to further sell the product? How about the fact that it's only one game in a whole line of such games?

Plus Ça Change . . .

Posted: February 25, 2006

The Sixth World is different, chummer. Megacorps rule our day-to-day lives. Magic changes the way we understand the universe. Desperate people do desperate deeds for whomever has the most cash. Technology is rocketing out of control. A good Shadowrun just ain't like it used to be, chummer.

Birth. Death. Then Things Get Complicated.

Posted: February 24, 2006

Just because someone is dead doesn't mean they have to stop living it up. Orpheus, a six-part RPG from White Wolf Publishing, explores what happens when live people get dead. For the weekend.

Everything Is Conder Untrol

Posted: February 23, 2006

Congrats, you're the new head of a government agency dedicated to stamping out terrorism! Of course, your friends are also heads of their own agencies. The more agencies, the better, right? Anyway, there are only so many terrorists to go around, so if you want that Presidential commendation, you better get started Fishing for Terrorists.

Bring Your +2 Hoe Of Tilling

Posted: February 22, 2006

What Dungeon Crawl Classics #0: Legends Are Made, Not Born lacks in epic storytelling, arcane items of immense power, and grand battles the likes of which will be told in song by bards for thousands of years, it more than makes up for with . . . um . . . farmer's daughters?

A Thoroughly Unexpected Plush

Posted: February 21, 2006

The chief weapon of the Monty Python: Talking Spanish Inquisitor Plush is cuteness. Cuteness and notoriety. The two weapons of the plush are cuteness and notoriety. And its ability to say several phrases. Three! The three weapons of the plush are . . . I'll come in again.

Putting The "Feud" Back In "Feudal"

Posted: February 20, 2006

When opposing Dynasties seek to control China, do you really think they're going to sit down and solve their differences with a nice game of Rock-Paper-Scissors? No, they will gather troops, raising whole armies to collide on the battlefield and see that they are proclaimed the ruler of the Middle Kingdom. Then, and only then, will they sit down for a friendly game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Throw Another Babe On The Barb

Posted: February 19, 2006

Hungry for some genuine baby back ribs? King Torg (all hail King Torg!) has a rather modest proposal for you, then. Raid the village, grab some babies, and for once in your life try not to get killed in the process. Kobolds Ate My Baby! Super Deluxx Edition is more than just a simulation, it's an cheap excuse to laugh and yell. A lot.

Ice Ice Lady

Posted: February 18, 2006

Of all the Dungeoneer sets, Realm of the Ice Witch is easily the coolest. Sorry, did that joke leave you cold? We thought it would be a good way to break the ice. We'll chill out, now.

Thank You For Calling, Please Hold

Posted: February 17, 2006

Calling up technical support is a fulfilling and enjoyable experience that few other things in life can match. Hitting yourself in the head with a hammer comes pretty close, though. Luckily, with Tech Support, you no longer need to wait around for something to break to enjoy this wondrous, magical part of life.

Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Fun

Posted: February 16, 2006

Ye don't be needin' to spend all yer booty to have fun, matey. If ye raise yer sail alongside Captain Treasure Boots, ye be sure to find a bounty o' fun without needin' to put another mortgage on ye house. Or boat. Or houseboat. Yaarr.